As far as foreign ventures are concerned you have likes of Nepal Bangladesh Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, , State Bank of India and

Each bank's offer ATM service in its different branchesall over the country. You can get cash advances on both Visa, Master and SCT card. These ATMs are accessible 24 hours a day7 days a week. In the Kathmandu city you can find any corner & street easity
Wiring Money
Money can be wired through every bank remittance service, their service are all aroun the globe. As well you can use Western Union Money Transfer or The Money Gram wired money service in Nepal. But they are expensive that other bank remittance service. Major Nepal banks use the SWIFT system, in place of the older telex systems, to negotiate wire transfers. The major banks also have accounts in New York and other world banking centers to expedite transfers.
General Information
Payment in hotels, travel agencies, and airlines are made in either nepalese currencies or foreign exchange. Nepal has modern banking facilities and some of the International Banks have their own offices in Kathmandu. Almost all foreign currencies along with credit cards such as American Express, Visa and Master Card, etc. are accepted in Nepal at major hotels, shops and restaurants.